2015 PSX Game Review Awards
2015 Best Graphics
1. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
2. Bloodborne
3. Batman: Arkham Knight
2015 Best Action Game
1. Bloodborne
2. Metal Gear Solid V
3. Shovel Knight
2015 Best RPG
1. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
2. Bloodborne
3. Fallout 4
2015 Best Shooter
1. Destiny: The Taken King
2. Call of Duty: Black Ops 3
3. Star Wars Battlefront
2015 Best Sports
1. Rocket League
2. NBA 2K16
3. Ollie Ollie 2
2015 Best Strategy/Puzzle
1. The Talos Principle
2. Tropico 5
2015 Best Indie
1. Rocket League
2. Shovel Knight
3. Axiom Verge
2015 Best Platformer
1. Shovel Knight
2. Journey
3. Super Meat Boy
2015 Best DLC
1. Destiny: The Taken King
2. The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone
3. Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward
2015 Best PS Exclusive
1. Bloodborne
2. Until Dawn
2015 Art Direction
1. Bloodborne
2. The Witcher III: Wild Hunt
3. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
2015 Best Music and Sound
1. The Witcher 3 : Wild Hunt
2. Bloodborne
3. Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward
2015 Best Adventure Game
1. Batman: Arkham Knight
2. Life is Strange
3. Until Dawn
2015 Best Story
1. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
2. Life is Strange
3. Bloodborne
2015 Best PSN Download
1. Rocket League
2. Final Fantasy VII
3. Axiom Verge
2015 Best Fighter
1. Mortal Kombat X
2. WWE 2K16
2015 Best Multiplayer/Co-op
1. Destiny: The Taken King
2. Rocket League
3. Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward
2015 Best Rogue
1. Hand of Fate
2015 Best Remaster
1. Journey
2. Resident Evil HD
3. Uncharted: Nathan Drake Collection
2015 Best Racing
1. Projects CARS